Posts Tagged ‘auction draft’

… because we still use a snake draft.

Let’s be honest – snake drafts are not as fair as auction drafts.  You are trapped by your randomly selected position.  You do not have an equal chance to get the player that you want.  We are getting one step closer to moving free choice and equality with the addition of FAAB.  But to be truly tested, to truly establish a free and equal world, we need to auction draft next year.

Don’t get me wrong – snake drafts can be fun too.  It’s more fun to openly mock people for over-drafting than over-paying for a player.  And it’s way easier to do a snake draft over email about something completely unrelated to sports such as supermodels, members of congress, or pizza toppings.

But auction drafts are the ultimate test of a fantasy player’s skill.  From managing your auction budget to player proposals to tracking tendencies of your opponents, you focus and strategy is continually challenged.

Let’s do an auction draft next year.